Riflessioni casuali su software, impresa e project management
Nginx: Semplificare la lettura dell’access.log
Periodicamente mi occupo di verificare il log di alcuni server per analizzare eventuali operazioni non previste e non autorizzate. Ci sono numerosi tool che già svolgono un monitoraggio attivo e…
Ubuntu aggiornamento 11.10 su Acer Aspire 5738ZG
Oggi, dopo diversi mesi dall’ultimo aggiornamento sul mio Ubuntu alla 11.04, ho ritenuto fosse il momento di fare l’upgrade alla versione 11.10 sul mio Acer Aspire 5738ZG. Come ho già raccontato in precedenza, l’Acer Aspire 5738ZG monta una ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 che mi ha causato in passato problemi di surriscaldamento quindi prima di procedere […]
Howto detect if typed date is valid
This simple tip allow you to detect if the date is typed correctly and the date format is as expected.
ALPHA Framework: Model 2.x … what’s new?
Some months ago I’ve started to work to a big project using ALPHA Framework. This project is pushing ALPHA Framework to its full potentials and, thanks to that, I’m discovering a some bugs and making a lot of improvements in the source code. In the latest two weeks is what has happened to the Model […]
Change prestashop attribute pictures thumbnail size
Some Prestashop users asked usually how to change the color model picker thumbnail in their default theme. The way to do it is more simpler than thinking it.
Howto send outerHTML to a server page
The following script allow you to send via post or get the outerHTML of a given element to a specific URL.
Evitare il surriscaldamento di Ubuntu su Acer Aspire 5738ZG
Diverso tempo fa avevo raccontato dei problemi di surriscaldamento che avevo riscontrato nell’utilizzo di Ubuntu sul mio Acer Aspire 5738ZG. Navigando su internet avevo trovato una certa coerenza con quanto scritto in un articolo, quindi dopo aver provato ad installare il nuovo kernel in versione non stabile e non avendo riscontrato benefici, decisi di aspettare […]
enhanced sprintf like function in Javascript
Today I’was playing with javascript and regular expression, and I made a PHP sprintf like function with some limitations and some enhancements.
Using ALPHA Framework over LightTPD
In the latest two weeks I was thinking about make some tests with ALPHA Framework and LightTPD. The goal of ALPHA Framework is that the application developers should take care about their web applications and don’t need to care about the other layers ( database, web server, authentication). With this concept in mind, the last week […]
oci_bind_by_name and placeholder name limit
Today I was working on a web-application using ALPHA Framework, and accidentally I discovered a problem using the oci_bind_by_name method. The oci_bind_by_name role is to create a relationship between a php variable and an oracle placeholder (eg. :OracleVariableName) to be used in the context of the prepared statement.
Build a simple semantically valid carousel from scratch (part 4)
In the latest weeks we had discuss about a simple semantic carousel that will suite perfectly the concept of Progressive Enhancement. Then, how I’ve promised in the previous article, we will animate the carousel implementing the methods moveNext, movePrev and apply some animations to the carousel.