Tag: jQuery
Sviluppare applicazioni ibride per dispositivi mobili
Con tanta emozione finalmente è stato pubblicato il mio primo ebook, “Sviluppare applicazioni ibride per dispositivi mobili“. È stato un lavoro particolarmente impegnativo sintetizzato nella presentazione che ho tenuto allo SMAU Milano 2015 lo scorso 22 Ottobre.
Multiple files download on single link click
Sometimes happens that some people need to download multiple file from a single user interaction: the click on the link. Assuming that your browser suppors Javascript and considering to use jQuery to simplify the concepts, you can use a simple script to accomplish this job.
WordPress: menu con stile alterno per elementi pari e dispari
Tipicamente un menu di navigazione è organizzato come una serie di elementi (li) di un elenco puntato (ul). Anche WordPress adotta questa convenzione per l’elaborazione dei menu di navigazione.
Create a repeated section with jQuery
The script in this post, allows you to create a repeated section where “add” link adds a new section identical to the current one below, while the “remove” link will remove the current section.
Modality: a simple jQuery Modal Box plugin
In the latest weekend I’ve developed Modality, a simple plugin for jQuery that help to produce a modal box from existing Dom element. License and Usage The plugin is available on GitHub under General Public License (GPL) v 2.0. A working demo is available here. Compatibility The plugin was tested with: Mozilla Firefox v. 19.0 Chromium…
Build a simple semantically valid carousel from scratch (part 4)
In the latest weeks we had discuss about a simple semantic carousel that will suite perfectly the concept of Progressive Enhancement. Then, how I’ve promised in the previous article, we will animate the carousel implementing the methods moveNext, movePrev and apply some animations to the carousel.
Build a simple semantically valid carousel from scratch (part 3)
After we’ve made a proof analysis of the Carousel, thinking about it’s structure and making it strictly semantic, we’ve discussed about the presentation using only CSS if javascript would not be available. The result is acceptable and works fine in the most browsers. But in this article we will wet our hands into jQuery and…
Build a simple semantically valid carousel from scratch (part 2)
In the previous part of this article we had structured the HTML for our carousel, it has a strongly semantic structure. But it is only HTML. In this article we will discuss how to implement an acceptable style sheet in absence of Javascript in honor of Progressive Enhancement!
Build a simple semantically valid carousel from scratch (part 1)
In the latest day I wonder how to build a carousel like iTunes coverflow but more simpler. First of all we’ll make a checklist of requirements, second we’ll make a scratch of the carousel, third we’ll analyze each element of the scratch, which is their role in the context and at the end we will…