Tag: PHP
Installare XDebug in un container Docker ed eseguire il debug del codice con VS Code
Il debug è una fase essenziale nel ciclo di sviluppo del software in quanto consente di individuare e correggere gli errori e i difetti presenti nel codice. Grazie al debugging, gli sviluppatori possono migliorare la qualità del software, rendendolo più affidabile, performante e sicuro. Identificare e risolvere i bug in modo tempestivo non solo ottimizza…
Configure MBString using UTF-8
This is the first post of 2013, so I will hope you all have a Great Year! And the first success obtained in this year is the resolution of a problem that is strugling me since few days.
enhanced sprintf like function in Javascript
Today I’was playing with javascript and regular expression, and I made a PHP sprintf like function with some limitations and some enhancements.
Using ALPHA Framework over LightTPD
In the latest two weeks I was thinking about make some tests with ALPHA Framework and LightTPD. The goal of ALPHA Framework is that the application developers should take care about their web applications and don’t need to care about the other layers ( database, web server, authentication). With this concept in mind, the last week…
oci_bind_by_name and placeholder name limit
Today I was working on a web-application using ALPHA Framework, and accidentally I discovered a problem using the oci_bind_by_name method. The oci_bind_by_name role is to create a relationship between a php variable and an oracle placeholder (eg. :OracleVariableName) to be used in the context of the prepared statement.
PHP, submit di un form e l’errore del passato
Diverse volte mi è capitato di trovare sviluppatori con il solito problema: “esiste un modulo web che compilato regolarmente e inviata la richiesta al server presenta il classico messaggio di salvataggio, confermando all’utente che tutto è andato a buon fine. Il problema mi si presenta quando premo il tasto “indietro” del browser!“.
Introducing DLM ALPHA Framework
In the latest 2 years I spent a lot of my time to develop an application framework that allow users to build Web Applications in an as simple as accessible way. When I thought about that Application Framework, I meant a way to produce applications that would be accessible, lightweigth and fast writing.Then I hadn’t…