Introducing DLM ALPHA Framework

In the latest 2 years I spent a lot of my time to develop an application framework that allow users to build Web Applications in an as simple as accessible way.

When I thought about that Application Framework, I meant a way to produce applications that would be accessible, lightweigth and fast writing.Then I hadn’t a real name for it so i named it simply “core” until i figure its real name ALPHA.

ALPHA is an acronym that means Accessible and Lightweight PHP Web Application Framework.

The framework implements the singleton pattern (using an object named ClassFactory) and has its proprietary templating engine named CuTeML (Curly bracket Template Modeling Language) a mix of XHTML and items embedded in curly bracket characters. It is similar to Smarty but more light.

The client side interaction (Javascript) is demanded to JAST Framework, a simple Javascript set of libraries.

An example script that produces a simple page is the following:

$m = ClassFactory::get('Model');

The framework is released under LGPL 3.0 License.

More informations about the framework are available on the wiki page of the project (actually in italian language) hosted on github

I’m looking for volounteers that want to cooperate with me to support, improve and test the current funcctionality of the framework and in documentation enhancing/translating.

If you’re interested in it please leave me a comment or write me an email me[at]diego[remove-me]la[remove-me]monica[dot]info


2 risposte a “Introducing DLM ALPHA Framework”

  1. Complimenti per questo lavoro e speri di poter avere dei grandi sviluppi così da poterla usare in maniera anche semplice per i designer come me.

    1. Ciao Andera,
      grazie, in realtà potresti già iniziare ad usarla. L’ho pensata proprio per separare logica di programmazione dal deisgn di un template.
      Anzi, se magari la inizi ad usare e mi dai qualche feedback sarebbe realmente apprezzato.